Parcel systems

AXMANN's "Parcel" department offers you special expertise for the fast and economical throughput of parcels and consignments.

Based on the Axmann modular system, we combine proven components to create a complete system. Bespoke planning in terms of cycle times, ergonomics and work content at all stations - implemented quickly and precisely with professional project management. All under the maxim: maximum reliability at the most favourable cost.

Added to this is "non-stop" security: such as our online support for questions and faults or further optimisation for improved performance.

We have the following systems and solutions in our programme to efficiently automate your goods logistics:

  • Incoming and outgoing goods
  • Sorting
  • Packaging
  • Order picking
  • Returns handling
  • Empty carton disposal
  • Quality management

The basis is formed by products developed specifically for these tasks:

  • Roller conveyors with and without drive; inclined roller conveyors
  • Belt conveyors and belt curves
  • Infeed/outfeed conveyor
  • Sorter
  • Bespoke workstations
  • Bespoke labelling and packaging solutions

Our references
